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Women's Rights

Women's right to equality and non-discrimination is unequivocally protected by international law. The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 195 constitutions from around the world.

The Gender Data Portal is a World Bank Group source for sex-disaggregated data and gender statistics. WomanStats tracks 350 variables including issues such as rape, sex trafficking, maternal and child mortality, family law, women in government and the military, and many others.

Women, Business and the Law, a World Bank product, measures legal and regulatory barriers to women's entrepreneurship and employment in 173 economies.

Gender Inequality Index is a UNDP index measuring gender inequalities in 159 countries in reproductive health, measured by maternal mortality and adolescent birth rates; empowerment, measured by proportion of parliamentary seats occupied by females and females aged 25 years and older with secondary education; and economic status, measured by labor force participation rate.

The Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict Dataset measures reports of conflict-related sexual violence between 1989 and 2009.